How Let My Women Go! is Transforming Lives
During a recent leadership convention, the teachings from Let My Women Go! profoundly impacted attendees. Here’s what one participant shared:
"Your book’s message and translation profoundly impacted the leadership convention. During the teaching session, we witnessed powerful testimonies of people being freed from depression, hepatitis, and relationship issues. We also saw a beautiful restoration of ministry gifts—it was truly the mighty hand of Jesus moving among us that Wednesday night."
This testimony is just one of many examples of how Let My Women Go! is bringing freedom and healing to individuals, restoring relationships, and empowering ministries. Could this be the message that changes your life too?

I had the privilege of working with Jeannette as a board member on the advisory committee of our church. Jeannette possesses many positive attributes such as: loyalty, integrity, and knowledge. As a leader in the church, and board member she was helping make big decisions regarding the church's welfare and finances. She was also the lead prayer warrior and intercessor. When there was lacking teachers for the children's and Youth program, Jeannette stepped in to fill the gap.
She can wear many hats to fill different roles, she is very adaptable. She and her husband were also the financial coach of the church and when given the opportunity, she preached. She offers wisdom, guidance, and instruction to those she is helping.
I believe Jeannette also has a calling on her life to speak and teach through her books, her counselling and coaching that she provides. She is meant to change lives!
She is a blessing and i am so grateful to call her a good friend!
~ Tycie
I really liked Miss Jeannette teaching us in Youth Sundays. She makes stories and words easy to understand for the class and she was genuinely excited to teach us! I also learned why we take Communion, it's importance and that it is something to celebrate because we have freedom in Jesus!
~ (Tycie's daughter Jorja - age 12)