
Discover the truth of what God intended for women.
Bringing you the truth to set you free.
John 8:32
Discover what's holding you back as a church leader.

Revealing your worth to recognize and not tolerate the spirit of oppression.
Equipping you for building up the body of Christ.
Ephesians 4:12
Providing solutions for the leadership crisis in the church.

Empowered to confront the spirit of oppression and set others free.
Sending you as qualified to teach others.
2 Timothy 2:2
Skilled to effectively lead and create more leaders.

Jeannette Treen BSW, MA
Author, Trainer and Equipper, Speaker
Jeannette holds an accredited Master's Degree in Leadership Ministry, a Bachelor's Degree in Social Work with a concentration in counseling, she is certified as a Financial Coach, and is an ordained Minister of the Gospel.
Most of her clinical experience has been in different types of counseling such as individual, marriage, and abuse. She was the Clinical Coordinator of the Children 's program for mother's and children who had suffered abuse as part of a Violence Against Women Program (VAW). She has over 20 years of experience.
She has also been an active leader in the Body of Christ, serving as pastoral advisor, financial coach, speaker, mentor, trainer, lead healing minister, lead intercessor, and teacher.
She is married to her husband Jon, and together they have a wonderful son. Her and her husband had been trying to conceive for 5 years but had given up hope. Speakers came to their church and prophesied life would come out of her and the next year, Evan was born.
You can book sessions with Jeannette for:
- Marriage preparation. As an ordained minister, Jeannette can also marry couples.
- Training church leaders to get skilled to effectively lead, steward, and create more leaders.
You can also invite Jeannette to teach at one of your gatherings.